by Heather
This is an amazing feat. I mean, people tend to arrive rather bedraggled after prolonged international travel. Airlines routinely misdirect luggage. And we have often lost small items during flights and layovers. But mail generally comes through unscathed.
Sometimes the mail takes a circuitous route, like this package which traveled by way of Bermuda...
or this postcard which took an unexpected trip to Cambodia before arriving here. Wow! Who knew that mail from North America would be redirected to Africa when mistakenly sent to Asia? This inspires confidence.

And so... if you send Christmas cards all the way across the ocean to us, we will love them. International postage rates apply, so three regular stamps on a normal-sized envelope should do the trick, or the post office offers global stamps as well. Address:
Hôpital Espoir de Kibuye
BP 73, Gitega
BURUNDI, East Africa
Disclaimers: 1. Occasionally an anticipated piece of mail gets lost forever in transit. 2. Delays are not unexpected. One letter arrived a full 10 months after it was sent. 3. And sometimes the trip is rather rough. But even this battered package arrived with all of its contents still safely packed inside:
So our genuine admiration and appreciation go out to the worldwide postal system for a well-coordinated effort that delivers love in envelopes around the world.
Love this! These pictures are priceless!!!
Amazing!! On so many levels! Looking forward to bringing my bedraggled self to y'all in a week!! (Hopefully not quite so circuitously ;)
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