
That I might sing Your praise and not be silent (Ps 30:12)

By Julie Banks

Psalm 102:5

Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; tell of all his wondrous works!

Adding music to any gathering automatically adds joy, doesn't it?  It's hardly possible to gather very long with Burundians without a song breaking out.  I guess that culture has rubbed off on us a bit from the youngest to the oldest.  Well, here is a small snapshot of the past month in Kibuye as we have celebrated the Holiday season in music!

A few weeks ago I was blessed to join the worship team at our local church and lead worship for a Sunday morning service. What a great group of dedicated worshippers. 

We celebrated Thanksgiving together with people from 6 different countries and languages.  Fortunately for us a missionary that serves in a different part of Burundi who plays the violin was in town, so we formed a girls trio with Ruth on the violin and Glory on guitar. It’s so rare for us to hear very many different instruments here.  Now I really understand why the Psalms say to praise Him on stringed instruments!  It’s so beautiful! 

This same violinist, Ruth, had an impromptu worship session with our professional pianist, Michelle.

One sunny Saturday afternoon we kicked off Advent with carols together as a team at the Wendler house.  Michelle played piano as we gathered around hymnals and little ones played on the jingle bells.

When several Medical students were struck with Covid, I went to their dorm and stood outside the windows worshiping and praying in Kirundi, French and English.

Our family quartet went caroling door-to-door delivering Christmas treats with Christmas cheer.

Christmas Eve was a wonderful celebration together with Anna and Jason Fader leading us in Carols of worship while the kids stood as a living nativity complete with the Little Drummer Boy.

Liam (12) was able to share his gift of vocal harmonizing in a duet with Mom.  I admit I got a little misty-eyed when we sang “…mother and child…”  I remembered being pregnant with him over the Christmas holiday and appreciating the miracle of the birth of my own son.  And now he is 12, leaving his childhood and beginning his journey to becoming a young man…sigh… but I digress.  Back to Christmas!

Zeke (10) sent us on our Merry way with a harmonica rendition of O Tannenbaum.

Up next is the welcoming of the New Year with our local church.  They are having a big concert and celebration with a couple of us participating in the music.  If you are in the Kibuye area January 1, join us as celebrate what God has done for us in 2021 and as we welcome 2022 and look forward to what He will do this year.

Psalm 126:1-3

When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed.  Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy.  Then it was said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.”  The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.”

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