
Blessing Those Who Bless Us

 By Julie Banks

We love this time of year for many reasons at Kibuye!  One of the things we love doing every Christmas Season is gathering together all the staff that work for the missionaries and telling them how much we love them and showering them with gifts.  These wonderful people work so hard for us, and with us, every day.  They cut our grass, (with a machete!) wash our sheets, (with a bucket!) make us tortilla chips (starting from flour!), and soothe our crying toddlers (with their own baby tied onto their back). 

We visit their homes and try to get to know their family, do everything we can to ensure that their children can attend school, rejoice with them when a child brings home a good report card, celebrate their new babies, and cry with them when a baby doesn’t make it.  These wonderful people fill our homes and compound with laughter, singing, and enable us to go about what God has called us to do, while also maintaining a house of peace for ourselves and for our families.  Thank YOU – our readers and supporters – for praying for our community and giving generously to the work that goes on here.  Your abundance gives us the opportunity to bless those who bless us, in Jesus’ name.

Shout out to Heather and Eunice who organize all of our staff!  They put in countless hours of administrative work, conversation in Kirundi, and provide emotional support for us and for our workers.  Thank you, Heather and Eunice!

1 comment:

  1. This is so awesome, I have goosebumps. I love every one of your house helpers! Merry Christmas!
