
Sent Forth in Blessing

Tomorrow is the big day!  The McCropders depart from LA, Chicago, Nashville, and Detroit, mostly converging in Detroit, to leave for Albertville.  We will all be on the first flight to Frankfurt except for Carlan, who meets us in Frankfurt for the final leg of the journey.  I think I speak for everyone (mostly) when I say that we are excited to take this big step and get settled in, finally, for a year at least.  The goodbyes are difficult as always, but we have been fortunate to be so loved in the sending.

First, we were all (minus Sarah, who is still in the World Harvest application process) commissioned and prayed for at the WHM sending center in Philly last week.  It was a really sweet two hour prayer service and time of remembering God's faithfulness in the big and small details over these past few years.

Then, Knox Church commissioned the McLaughlins, Cropseys, and Faders on Sunday.  It was a wonderful time of encouragement to us as we saw an amazing body of believers show their support for us AGAIN, in love and prayers and hugs and tears.  We are so glad to be connected to these people.  Carlan, Sarah, and Alyssa were all sent out by their own churches as well.  Between the nine adults, there are at least 8-10 churches behind us.

Thank you for all your prayers as we go.  Specifically, we would appreciate prayer for:
*team unity and good integration of new team members
*our children as they adjust to another new culture and French schools.  Pray that each of them will have a wonderful, understanding teacher and that each child will have at least one close friend in their class
*continued planning for work in Burundi (engineering teams, a well project, and guesthouse)
*language aptitude (in both French and Kirundi)
*good relationships with French nationals and God's direction to a local body of believers
*political stability in Burundi


  1. Our love and prayers go with you! We will miss you greatly but are so grateful for this time we've had with you.

    Looking forward to the new installments to "word and deed" we'll get to read. :)

  2. What an exciting time for all of you! Praying for God's grace, strength, and joy to fill you as you set forth on this next phase of your journey.

  3. You will be greatly missed here in the states. Our prayers go with you today as your travel. I am looking forward to new updates from France! How exciting! Linda S.

  4. Lots of prayers following all of you! Thanks for including the specific requests. I'll add them to my prayer list.
