

Good news!  All 16 McCropders and 25+ pieces of luggage arrived safely in Albertville yesterday afternoon.  We were picked up by a bona fide coach bus from the Lyon airport, all to ourselves, and slept most of the drive here.  Everyone is doing great, somewhat jet lagged, and figuring out our new lives.  The scenery is beautiful, the French pastries so far are delicious, and the other language students staying here have been extremely helpful and gracious.  More to come as internet improves, we get more sleep, and settle in.


  1. So glad to hear you've made it safe and sound, and even were able to sleep on a nice comfy bus. :) God is so good!

  2. Glad you made it. Eat some yummy pastries for me too. Ahh...mouth watering thinking about it. :) Praying all continues to improve and go well.

  3. So glad to hear you arrived! Have been praying...and we will look forward to future updates. Love ya! Linda S.
