
Train Up a Child...

It is our hope as parents that, through the international experiences that we are giving our children, they will grow up with a sense of the global.  A sense of the bigness of God's world, and the intimacy at the same time.  That they will be able to see many viewpoints, and to love many people, many nations, many cultures.  That the life we have chosen for them will be worth all the goodbyes they will have to say, all the time away from family, all the American experiences missed out on.

All that to introduce a little "stupid human trick" that Eric filmed Maggie doing last month.  I'm not sure if someone taught her this (we certainly didn't) and I can't even say this ability is as a result of her growing up in Kenya, but it was fun to see none the less.  The following scene unfolded in the Fader's dining room...


  1. Amazing, Maggie!
    I'll bet there aren't many 2 year olds who can do that!
    Love, Grandma

  2. Unfortunately, someone's already got her beat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r43yCiKlbCo
