
John's Uganda Trip

After wrapping up a great visit in Burundi, it was time for me to head off to Jinja, Uganda, for the World Harvest Africa Team Leaders annual meeting.  I was certainly the green horn in the group, so I arrived not knowing entirely what to expect.  I knew I would have to give a report on behalf of the Burundi Team to the whole group and I would be meeting with the "Samaki Mkubwas" (Big Fish) of WHM with scheduled 1 on 1 time (actually 3 on 1).  Yikes!  But the welcome sign at the front of the Kingfisher helped to calm my nerves.

Without delay, I found my bearings thanks to the helpful signs below.  If by "Beach Volleyball" they meant crab grass patch down by the bank of the Nile River, they were spot on.  The "Crazy Golf" I didn't have a chance to check out.  I'm sure it was tougher than any hole at the Masters.

My accommodations were pleasant.

My room came complete with a full set of frogs inside and out which kept the insect population well under control.

Barbara Bancroft, Josiah Bancroft and Bob Osborne (back three on the left below) led us each morning in times of spiritual edification with focus on personal renewal with God and in our marriages.  We were reminded of how critical it is for us to stay connected to the Living Water in order for God's blessing to flow out of us to our families, teams and all those we minister to.

Late morning was a time to hear the reports from the countries represented:  Uganda, South Sudan, Kenya and Burundi.  Mid-afternoons were free unless you had your scheduled 1 on 3 time with the Samaki's.  This was a time for the team leaders to share more deeply about their struggles and successes with direct access to the WHM brain trust who also happen to be gifted pastoral counselors.

The evenings were spent working on more of the nuts and bolts of running a team.  Specifically, we worked on a draft of what a team covenant might look like.  This would potentially be something each team member would covenant to with their other teammates.  

The electricity usually petered out towards the end of the night.  Dr. Scott Myhre's water assisted illumination technique was quite effective.

All of these meetings were enough to make your brain swim and your tush hurt.

So we had to resort to having some fun too with fine dining and assorted activities on the Nile.

When Micah saw these pictures online before I returned home, he was very eager to hear if I had been chased by a crocodile.  A legitimate concern that was also high on my list of ways not to meet my Maker.  I was glad to arrive home alive without even so much as a nibble from a West Nile crock.  The meetings were highly fruitful and it was a blessing to get to know my WHM colleagues in deeper ways.  Thank you all for your prayers.

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