
State Race

I have been accused of creating competitions with others that they did not even know they were a part of. This may be a case in point. In any case, since I am winning I thought I would share it!

The McCropders have done a fair amount of travel in the past few months and we have covered well over half of the states in the US through those travels. Most of the travel is related to seeing family and friends, raising awareness about Burundi, speaking and attending conferences, and speaking in churches. As it stands, the Faders have been to the most states as seen in the graph below.

In full disclosure, I must admit that when we were visiting my cousin and her family in New Hampshire, we travelled an extra few miles off the necessary path since we were literally 1 mile from Maine and we just couldn't pass up the opportunity.

Combining all of our states shows that we have just a few more to go. The states in red below are the ones that at least one of the McCropders has been to since September.

create your own personalized map of the USA

I may or may not post an update to this blog in the future, depending on how the Faders are doing :)


  1. Full disclosure, continued: I, too, traveled one mile out of my way to count Virginia. :) I do have plans to make it to Louisiana this spring, though, so I may be the first McCropder to reach that state. And does Peru count?

  2. Boy, the Northwest needs a little help. Will the Faders be the only ones to make it to Idaho?
