
Christmas Song Video

I love carols.  I love how some of them are really old, and connect us to generations of Christmas celebrators from years past.  And I love the great lyrics.  Many of them express the source of sustaining hope that keeps us going in our work.  And some of them are buried somewhere in the 3rd stanza, where they don't get a lot of attention.  So I wrote this song, piecing together some of my favorite Christmas lyrics.

My recording gear isn't working so well, so here's a video.  If you think of a name for the song, pass it on, since it doesn't have one yet.

Merry Christmas!

(For bonus Christmas geeky points: there are 9 carols referenced in the lyrics.  Can you name them?  The prize is knowing that you are awesome.)

O Come, O Dayspring, come and cheer
For we all are late in time
And our world lays long in darkness here
For the hope of all the earth to shine
the hope of all the earth to shine

Silently comes a wondrous gift
Mild, he lays his glory by
Deep anthems now the earth does lift
Born that man no more may die
Born that man no more may die

A half-spent night, a midnight clear
Held fast, our world in darkness bound
the silent Word is pleading here
He comes to make his blessings flow
Far as the curse is found

Look for now, glad and golden hours
and swiftly, healing in his wings
He makes the nations prove his powers
of the life and light to all he brings
the life and light to all he brings.

1 comment:

  1. It's a beautiful song. "Hope of All the Earth" might be a good title.
