
International Women's Day 2024

(by Julie) 

March 8th is International Women’s Day. It comes and goes every year without much fanfare in America. But we have found that it holds a certain importance in many African countries. Not the least of which is Burundi. 

We as a missionary community have been involved with the local womens' celebrations for several years now. Every year a fabric is chosen and as many women as are able use it to make a dress or skirt. It’s always so much fun to see the creativity in all the beautiful dresses! 

At the end of the day, women who work at the hospital join together for a Fanta and a few words. Someone from each department of the hospital says a few words of appreciation for what the women bring to the workforce and to Burundian families. 

I shared a short message based on Psalm 45. I encouraged the women that the “King is enthralled with your beauty.” (Psalm 45:11 NIV) In fact, before that in verse 10 it says, 

“Listen, daughters, and pay careful attention: 
Forget your people and your father’s house. 
11 Let the king be enthralled by your beauty; 
honor him for he is your lord.” 

Meaning what? Forget your label, your title, your role, or whatever you're comparing to others. Forget what lies may have been spoken over you or about you concerning your worth. Let, allow the Lord to tell you who you are. Because what he is telling you is “You are beautiful. You are a perfect creation. You are my daughter.” We honor the Lord when we let him give us our worth. He is enthralled, captivated by your beauty and who you are. 

We had fun reading the psalm together and delighting in how God delights in his daughters as princesses. Verse 13 says “her gown is interwoven with gold.” Well, the chosen fabric this year has what looks like gold thread woven into the design! So I encouraged them to remember, every time they put on this dress, that the King is enthralled with their beauty. If we forget what the world or the enemy tells us, we will be able to let the king be enthralled with our beauty. 

It was a great day with lots of smiles and lots of pictures! Thank you for your prayers for Kibuye, and for the women in particular to be respected and honored by the men around them.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful in every way, the fabric, the various styles (even for the youngest) and Rachel's encouraging and lovey teaching. Thank you for sharing.
    Mary Jo McKelvey
    Nashville, TN
