
ITEC Video

(By Caleb)

In a blog posted in September of last year we talked about the installation of solar power at Kibuye.  As we had previously struggled with inconsistent power and crippling fuel shortages, the impact of consistent and clean power on Kibuye's ability to provide quality care has been massive.

The system has now been operating for just over 14 months.  In these 14 months we have harvested just shy of 160 MWh of power from the sun.  This is a bit hard to wrap one's head around, but it is roughly equivalent to the average power consumption of 15 US homes over the same period.  

We are very thankful to ITEC for their tireless effort in supporting this installation.

Isaac and Oliver Lewis are brothers who came as volunteers to help with the installation last year.  I was recently made aware of a video they created about this and I wanted to share it with all of you:


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  2. This is so exciting, Kibuye! Well done, ITEC!!
