
Picture Post

By Alyssa

Enjoy these pictures some recent visitors took that hopefully give you an idea of life at Kibuye these days!

 Tea fields
 Construction on the new pediatric ward

 Rachel doing a C-section
 John operating
 Nursing students
 Eric teaching

 Dr. Alliance
 OB team

 Kibuye Hope Academy
 Local primary school
 Kids teaching kids - love it! 
 Beautiful Burundi
The above pictures are all courtesy of Jenni Keiter who works with eMi (Engineering Ministries International)

The below pics were taken by Scott Myhre. We had such an encouraging visit with our Area Directors Scott and Jennifer and are so thankful for their leadership and wisdom over the years!
 Surgery rounds with Ted

 Amazingly this little girl went home today after 98 days in the hospital! This pic was taken a few weeks ago. 

 Kayla teaching the fourth graders at KHA
 Malnutrition program

Twins who are thriving with their happy mother

And finally this last picture was taken just a few days ago by Dr. Alliance's brother as we celebrated Keren's first birthday. We're so happy to have Burundian families living here at Kibuye with us!

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