
The Talking McLaughlins, Here and There

(by Eric)

During our time in the US, we did a good bit of speaking here and there, on various subjects.  Some of those sessions have been posted online (and some will be posted, but not yet).  Here are some links, if you are interested in listening more:

1.  Knox Presbyterian Church:  "The Already But Not Yet Kingdom".  Though I've preached at a lot of African churches, this is the only time to date that I've preached at a US church.  The text is John the Baptist and his doubts while in prison; the theme is our struggle to find hope in first fruits rather than finished work.

2.  StoryPrint.  My friend Wes Burtner runs a podcast about life stories of people in/from the Nashville area.  He interviewed me and the podcast is available here (Episode 003).  This 90-minute interview spans a lot of topics, including vocation.

3.  Louisville GMHC:  Rachel and I moderated the Marriage & Missions panel, including the Kims, the Chupps, and the Vaughans.  Our friends had some great perspectives to share.  There are pauses for small group discussion periods, but it should be easy enough to skip over those parts.

4.  Louisville GMHC:  I did a different breakout session entitled Walking With Those in Need Without Losing Heart.  The material for this talk was culled from four chapters of my upcoming book (more on that later!).

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