
Au Revoir, Drs. Toney & Erika!

by Jess Cropsey

Several weeks ago, our team and the Burundian doctors at the hospital had a send-off party for two of our colleagues as they head to residency programs in other countries.  Right now, Burundi has no medical residency programs which means that doctors who want more training after medical school must do so elsewhere.  (One of our future goals is to have certain residency programs available here at Kibuye, so you can pray to that end.)  

Dr. Toney has been working with John in the eye clinic since its inception in March 2014 and we are thrilled that he has been accepted to an opthalmology training program in Tanzania.  He has worked very hard during his time at Kibuye and has served as a behind-the-scenes leader and administrator on the eye team.  

Dr. Erika has spent the majority of her time at Kibuye working with Alyssa on pediatrics.  It was special to hear the praises of her peers at the party as they described her work ethic and dedication to patients.  Erika is now getting ready to begin her pediatrics residency in Kenya.

We are grateful that these doctors have found high-quality residency programs in Africa for their training.  The "brain drain" has been a huge problem for many countries and according to a recent article, Burundi is the least able country in Africa to retain their best and brightest.  Professionals (in many fields) leave to find work or to receive graduate-level training in more developed countries and often do not come back to their home country.  There are many reasons for this and we are not trying to blame anyone.  But it is a challenging reality, so our prayer is that these doctors will have good jobs in Burundi waiting for them when their training is complete.  Thankfully, Toney was born at Kibuye and his family is from this area, so he is very interested in returning.

To Toney & Erika, thank you for your faithful service to the patients at Kibuye Hope Hospital, for your friendship, and for your dedication to further your education.  You will be greatly missed here!  We will be praying for you as you adjust to a new place and face the challenges of medical training.  Imana ibahezagire!

Please pray for the remaining doctors at Kibuye, particularly over the coming weeks as the hospital is significantly under-staffed.  Please also pray for wisdom for the hospital administrators as they choose applicants to fill these pretty big shoes.

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