
Looking For New Recruits!

by Jess Cropsey

We have been blessed to see enormous change and growth happen at Kibuye Hospital over the last year and a half.  We are deeply grateful to the large number of people that have invested in our lives and the ministry here at Kibuye.  We wouldn’t be here without you.  Thanks for the big hearts that you have for us and the people of Burundi.

Now that our long-term houses are built and we’ve each found a groove of life and ministry, we’ve been able to stop and catch our breath a bit.  Whew!  It’s been a long haul!  As we become more deeply rooted here, we can look around and see need in so many places.  While we recognize that we are not the saviors of this place (Jesus is!), we think there are specific needs that we might be able to help meet that would be tremendously beneficial to the Kibuye community.  Last month, we sat down as a team and brainstormed about the skill sets that are most needed to supplement the ministry already happening.  We want to share this with you, our readers, so that you can pray along with us for God’s provision of these people and think about whether you or someone you know might fit the bill!

Here is our current “wish list” of additional LONG-TERM personnel and we are praying that God would bring the right folks along at the right time:

teach the elementary-aged missionary children at Kibuye Hope Academy

Project/Development Manager:
help provide financial oversight of project expenses
seek & write grants
create “media" exposure - facebook, websites, blogs, hospital newsletter
create fundraising materials (video, power points, brochures)
help interface with large donors and provide reporting on projects in progress
help manage the internet system and oversee installation of campus wide network
help integrate technology at the hospital & provide computer training for staff
help implement an electronic medical record system (future goal)
opportunity to teach IT classes at the university

Spiritual Discipler:
focus on growth of “word" ministry at the hospital
help with development of a hospital chaplain training program
coordinate student & staff discipleship (in cooperation with national chaplains & missionary doctors)
Note:  Ideally, this person would be gifted in language learning since high levels of French (and possibly Kirundi) would be necessary to do this job well.

General Surgeon:
comfortable working in a variety of specialties
eager to teach & train African medical professionals

Nurse Practitioner:
teach nursing students (must have Master’s level training)
provide additional training for nurses currently on staff

Logistics and/or Hospital Finance & Administration:
lots of options here — organizing pharmacy orders/pricing, departmental organization (the eye clinic could use some help here!), … 

Biomedical Technician:
help maintain and repair hospital equipment
facilitate the purchase of new or donated equipment

For those interested in a more SHORT-TERM stint (few weeks - several months - year), we would consider folks with the following areas of expertise:  

physicians from various specialties or upper-level residents
 teachers — for missionary kids or ESL (adults and/or kids)
childcare workers
If you or someone you know might be interested in serving in any of these ways, please contact Jess Cropsey (jesscropsey@yahoo.com). 

Thanks for praying with us as we look to expand our team!  

1 comment:

  1. This open positions list is such a sign of growth and 'settling'. Praying with you all for God's gracious creativity in meeting needs, and for His people for His work in Kibuye.
