
Chick Fever

by Jess Cropsey

If you remember a post from several months ago, John was given two pigeons by a grateful patient.  After living in the schoolroom bathroom for a week while John constructed them a bamboo palace in our yard, the birds were relocated.  In less than one week in their new abode, they somehow figured out how to squeeze through the bars and within minutes of their escape, one of them was promptly eaten by a crow or hawk.  We found chunks of her feathers all over the ground.  The male was later spotted near the hospital, but who knows if he’s been able to survive the wilds of Kibuye.  Sadly, the bamboo palace now stands empty.

Snow’s passing was a bit traumatic, but the children were able to quickly move on when Biniyam (son of visiting anesthesiologist) received baby chicks for his birthday a few weeks ago.  All the kids ooohed and aaahed over the little balls of feathers and loved to follow them around while they were eating.  The following day, when the children’s eyes were momentarily distracted, an attentive crow swooped down and claimed one of the little feather-balls for a tasty snack.  “Facing African Realities” — this is the motto of Hope Africa University and we continue to understand more clearly what this means! 

If you are a parent, you know the tendency of kids to want the new thing that other said-kid has.  I can’t even begin to imagine what’s the rage these days in the U.S., so I’ll spare myself the embarrassment of hazarding a guess.  Here at Kibuye the latest and greatest fad is baby chicks.  Elise asked for baby chicks for her birthday, so 3 more little ones have just been added to the flock.  I must say, Elise has some natural “mother hen” tendencies, so it’s working out well so far.  We’re hoping they live to see their first birthday, or maybe we should be more realistic and shoot for the 1-month mark!  

The Cropsey chicks -- Cookie, Frodo (also the name of the lost male pigeon - Micah's a big fixated on Lord of the Rings), & Sam (Sam's pretty creative, huh?)

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