
Happy (Second) First Anniversary!

by Rachel
Part of the deal with our transient lives as of late is that we have a lot of first anniversaries, but no second anniversaries.  We are hoping that this phenomenon will change for us now that we are settled in Burundi.  November 1 marked one year from our arrival to Kibuye.  So, while we have already had our one year in Burundi anniversary, there was much happy reminiscing on Halloween 2014 that one year ago we had been packing up and preparing to leave Banga for language study.

Coming to Kibuye felt like paradise in some ways, the freedom of having our own place, running water, steady (steadier) electricity, putting down roots.  A year later there are days when it feels less like paradise, but never the less all of us are still so grateful to be here.  So many changes in this one year.  Three homes have been completed.  We have been working in the hospital for 10 months already.  The kids have completed a school year and started another.  We've gotten to know our house helpers and even to communicate with them in Kirundi (some of the time).  This year, we also have new temporary teammates, and team gatherings are getting bigger and LOUDER all the time!  It's starting to be ... home.  

We look forward to another year of changes as 2015, and we also look forward to celebrating our first SECOND anniversary as the McCropders at Kibuye.  It has been a year of blessing and increased dependence on the One who led us here, and He will continue to lead for all the years to come.

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