
Happy Anniversary!

by Rachel

Arrival at Kibuye, Nov 2014
August 6th marked our one year anniversary in Burundi.  It seems very surreal for most of us, unable to believe that we’ve been here a year (and some days unable to believe it hasn’t been longer!).  One of the reasons that it’s hard to believe is that there have been so many transitions this last year.  Arrival in August, three months in Banga, move to Kibuye in November, start at the hospital in January, McLaughlins moved into their house in May, etc.  It’s amazing how much has been done when we reflect on it, which is good because in the midst of day to day living we tend to focus more on what still needs to be done.  We are so incredibly grateful for everyone who has supported us.  It is because of your help that we have been able to move “full steam ahead” for so long now.  And it has been amazing to see so many dreams and plans and goals finally come to fruition this year.

Since our arrival in August, all of the adults spent at least three months learning Kirundi.  This means various things for various people, but we can at least all share greetings and communicate on a basic level with our neighbors in certain contexts.  Listening to the “muzungu” speak Kirundi never fails to bring a smile from the locals, sometimes even applause.

The four oldest kids have completed a year of school in the newly formed Kibuye Hope Academy.

An emergency room, eye unit, and neonatology (NICU) unit have all been created.  I think Alyssa, John, and Carlan would say there is a lot more development that needs to be done in each of these units, but they are functional, where there was nothing before.

Four houses (McLaughlin, Cropsey, Fader, Pfister) have been started and are in various stages of completion.  The McLaughlins have already moved in and the Cropseys will hopefully be moved into their home within a month.  Alyssa and the Faders hope to be in their homes by Christmas.  “Container plex” has also been built.

There is running water in the hospital.

We have had a part in educating over 70 medical students, developing and presenting over 30 lectures in French.

The operating room, under Jason’s direction, has close to tripled the amount of surgeries since last year.  And we are eagerly awaiting a US anesthesiologist who will help provide further education for our staff.

Our sending agency (which has also undergone a name change this year) has approved two new families to join us in our work here, which total 4 adults and eight kids!

Countless relationships have been formed with local pastors, nurses, doctors, community workers, etc.  

There are many more things to list, but in truth, it is not our work but God’s, and we are blessed to be a part of it.  We pray that we have been and will be faithful stewards of the gifts given to us.  And we look forward to many more “happy anniversaries” to come!
Kids enjoying our celebratory "crepe anniversary party"

The team in July, 2014

1 comment:

  1. How amazing what the Lord has done! Happy Anniversary! Praying for you!
