
What Happened One April

You may or may not have noticed, but April has not been our most prolific month for blog posts.  Well, we sort of have a good excuse.  Starting April 6, we have hosted no fewer than 22 muzungu (white folks) visitors at Kibuye.  Those are just the overnight visitors as well; we have had a number of people stop by for shorter visits during April as well.  It has been great to see so many old and new friends, but a bit hectic as well as you might imagine, especially since none of the new houses are finished and we seem to have a lack of extra beds for the time being.  We had the Myhres, our regional field leaders, stop by for three days of visiting and retreat (as in, they hosted a retreat for us).  While they were still here, two families interested in pursuing long term medical/dental missionary work visited for three weeks.  The Baskins (retina specialist) and Willises (dentist) have a combined total of 10 kids, the oldest being 10 and the youngest being 2 months.  Our kids have loved having extra playmates, and we have enjoyed visiting and showing off the hospital.

I'm sure there will be more photos to come, but for now, all the McCropders would like to wish you a belated Happy Easter, and here are a few pics of our holiday festivities.

Egg dyeing, the empty resurrection egg, the Easter story, egg hunting, and 34 people gathered in one living room for an Easter potluck and singing.  He is Risen!  Alleluia!

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