
Team Time

This weekend we have set aside two days for dedicated team time.  Yesterday we headed out together in the van to see some beautiful Burundian waterfalls.

After a picnic lunch, we returned home for reflection time focused on themes from the book we are studying together, Paul Miller's "A Praying Life."

This morning, in true Burundian fashion, we hoed in the garden.  “Kurima," one of the first Kirundi verbs we learned, means “to hoe."  Below, “Alyssa ararima.”

At the moment we are in Gitega, a nearby city, for lunch (and fast internet, hence the blog pictures).  We are thankful for the community of the team.  It's fun to spend designated team time together, and even better, it is a gift from God that we can enjoy daily life together on normal days as well.

We are all hoping that the next blog post might announce the arrival of our shipping container.  It is scheduled to make its way to Kibuye on Monday!  

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