
A Big Loss

by John & Jess Cropsey

It is with great sadness that we inform you that Sarah Crockett, our elementary teacher, will not be joining our team in Burundi.  As you may remember, Sarah’s deployment to Burundi was delayed in order to provide her with some recovery time after a challenging year in France.  Over the last few months, it has become clear that having Sarah join the team in Burundi is not God's leading.  This was a mutual decision and was made after much consideration, counsel, and prayer.

This is a huge loss to our team.  Sarah is an adventurous, caring, thoughtful, and dependable comrade as well as a creative, energetic, and resourceful teacher.  She loved our kids well in France and we got a small glimpse into how wonderful Kibuye Hope Academy (missionary kid school) would have been with her at the helm.  We also saw firsthand Sarah’s compassionate and tender heart and watched her pour herself out in sacrificial ways for others.    

We would ask for you to pray for all of us in the following ways:
*for the team in Burundi (including the kids) as we process and grieve this loss of a teammate.
*for Sarah as she also grieves the loss of a team and seeks other opportunities for work and ministry.
*for Jess and Heather as they serve as the children's teachers for the remainder of the school year and for the effect that has on their ministry outside the home.
*for God’s provision of two teachers for the 2014-2015 school year.

We are grateful for the time that we had with Sarah in France and know that everything we walked through together during that year came about due to God’s providence and loving hand.  May God continue to bless, guide, and strengthen us for the good works that He has prepared for each of us.



  1. Oh, we are sad for you all. Blessings on the roads diverging, to each one of you.

  2. We are sad for all of you too! We have met Sarah and she is just as great as you say. May God bless Sarah in her new adventures and the team as they seek their new teacher. Blessings on all of you. Tim and Sharon
