
Differentiating the Sarah's

By Sarah Crockett

You might be asking yourself: There are two Sarah's?  There sure are and I, Sarah Crockett, would like to bring a little clarity to our readers.  Sarah Storm, pictured below with me, is currently residing in Banga, Burundi and supporting our team by taking care of the kiddos to better enable the adults to devote themselves to Kirundi studies. 

Sarah Storm (left) Sarah Crockett (right)
Our team is widely supported and loved by various means.  Our families who sacrificially send us, our churches who support and encourage us, missionaries who have gone before who offer words of wisdom, friends who support financially, the numerous who faithfully pray on our behalf and countless others.  We as a team are beyond blessed and incredibly grateful for each of you and the role you play in supporting us!  

Having visitors for a week or a few months is another support to us.  Read more here about Pastor Bob and Ilene Lynn who visited our team in France as pastoral encouragement and Kathryn Wong who lived with us for 4 months in France learning French, loving the kids, and encouraging the adults.  What a blessing!  

I have known Sarah Storm and her family since before she was born, so I am overjoyed at her support of our team in this season of focused Kirundi language studies.  Sarah spent 6 weeks in Sierra Leone summer 2011 with Royal Servants and became interested in pursuing future work in francophone Africa.  She decided to delay university to gain further experience in missions within francophone Africa.  During this season she is enjoying reading loads of children's books to Ben, kicking the soccer ball with Sam, working on puzzles with Micah, playing dress up with Maggie & Abi, and watching movies in French with Anna & Elise. 

We are grateful for our families, churches, friends, the Lynns, Kathryn, Sarah, and each of you for the love and care you selflessly give to our team.  Each of you are a gift from God to us! 

Alyssa and Sarah Storm in Banga, Burundi

How do we differentiate the Sarah's?  Well, I am stateside being blessed by extra time with family, friends, supporters, and ice cream.  So, as the Banga blogs refer to Sarah, the reference is to Sarah Storm.  I will join the team later this fall and I'm sure we will have no problem creating nicknames to distinguish the two Sarah's.  

In the 80's, the decade I was born into, Sarah remained in the top 5 baby girl names and so I have known many Sarah's in my 28 years of life.  In college to distinguish two Sarah roommates, I got Big Sarah simply because I was taller.  In the 90's, Sarah Storm's decade of birth, the name Sarah remained in the top 10.  By 2012, Sarah is no longer on the top 20 list.  Whew!   Here's hoping our team can do better than big and little Sarah.  I'm confident with John Cropsey, we won't be lacking in originality for nicknames. 

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