
Big Rig Send-Off

By John Cropsey
The McCropders have finished packing a forty foot, metal clad box with what remains of their earthly possessions mingled together with "essentials" for their work and ministry . . .  generators, welders, motorcycles, drill presses, axes, six foot steel pry bars, sledge hammers, indestructible Kevlar soccer balls . . .  OK, we even let the girls put a few things on too.  However, given the shear amount of testosterone contained with in this shipping container, it was only fitting that her sendoff be performed by two beastly wreckers and a maxed-out big rig chassis.  Feast your eyes on the video below of nearly 40,000 pounds being dead-lifted off the ground and onto a semi chassis as my son Micah and I revel in the music of big diesel.

(click this link if you have trouble playing the video above)
Credits: background music "Green" by Kissinger.

The McCropder men take our hats off to the ladies of the team who have been willing to say "au revoir" to homes, goods and the financial security of a higher tax bracket.  Instead, they risk losing that which remains to the bottom of the high seas or into the hands of brigands by land as our metal box journeys from the shores of the USA to the landlocked interior of Africa.  As we bid "a Dieu" to our container and its contents, we rest knowing that our Heavenly Father knows exactly what we do and do not need to minister His Good News most effectively in Burundi.  If these mere earthly things would hinder us or our brothers and sisters in fruitfulness, may they come to rest at the bottom of Davie Jone's locker.  


  1. Wow! Great video. With fond memories of last summer's behemothic packing, and with inspiration at the relative simplicity with which you Americans are choosing to live, I pray for a sweet reuniting of all in Burundi!!

  2. Wow! Never knew that sledge hammers, pry bars, and motorcycles would be essential to opthalmology . . .

  3. Dudes, the video was full of awesomeness!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. We're excited to see how God uses you all. We'll be praying for you.

  6. Love the video. Good blog as always, John.

  7. Sure glad you got some motorcycles in there. Great fun.
