

(from Heather)

The airline industry may be suffering economic hardships, but the McCropder team and community have done their part this winter to keep the industry afloat.  
In the last month, 6 McCropders, 12 visiting family members, and 3 special visitors made a total of 41 trans-Atlantic voyages. 

“But wait,” you say, “41 is an odd number… so someone has not made a return flight….”  That’s right.  We have gained a delightful addition to the community here.  We are so happy to have Miss Kathryn Wong in Albertville with us for four months! 

The kids ADORE Miss Kathryn.  And the adults are equally pleased to have her here helping with the kids, participating in life here, and studying French along with us.  Kathryn’s impressive French speaking abilities have landed her in a class with 5 McCropder adults, and she reports that she loves class, which is not surprising for those of you who know Kathryn.  Kathryn and her family are treasured friends of the McCropder families who hail from Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Kathryn is also a gifted writer who keeps a blog here to chronicle her adventures during this gap year (at an orphanage in Haiti last semester and at French school here in Albertville this semester) before she heads to college in the fall.  This girl tells a good story and documents with great pictures, as evidenced by her report of her downhill skiing adventure last weekend. 

Ann Arbor also sent us another blessing recently as Pastor Bob and Ilene Lynn came for a visit last week.  The adults really appreciated good talks with the Lynns, and the kids appreciated their attention and story-reading as well.

We are so thankful for Kathryn and for the Lynns and for the love that they bring from our awesome home church in Ann Arbor.

1 comment:

  1. How I love the photo with Pastor Bob surrounded by so many kids! You captured such an amazing moment! And Ilene! I can just imagine how good it felt to spend time with them!!!
