
A Wee Gift from the McCropders

Haven't finished your Christmas shopping?  Don't know what to get for that last person on the list?  Someone on the list you don't know very well in terms of gift preference, but you're at least sure of how to spell their name?

Well we've got just the thing for you.  As another way to share our lives and work in faraway places, we took a collection of Alphabet Photos during our two years at Tenwek Hospital in Kenya.  You can choose from 2-5 pictures per letter to spell out whatever you want.  Plus or minus a nice frame and you're all set for that last gift.  Or use it for your own home and consider it a gift from us.

The photos all come from the hospital grounds or our neighborhood just around it.  Just click here for the link and download instructions.  We'll be keeping it available for download after Christmas as well.

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