
Looking behind, Looking ahead

(From Alyssa)

In light of Eric's previous blog post, one recent reminder that encouraged us about the journey God has us on through Kenya, France, and Burundi was a webinar through the Christian Medical and Dental Associations. Through the wonders of modern technology (and especially through God miraculously fixing some significant technical glitches), the six McCropder doctors spoke to medical students and others across the U.S. about our story. Several of us had shared together at a medical missions conference in Asheville, NC last year, but we had never all six presented together, and it was encouraging to be reminded of the faithfulness of God again in bringing us together. Especially during these days of grammar and vocabulary learning, it was a blessing to remember the big picture of what God is doing in the world and how He has been shaping and growing us through our time in Kenya, the U.S., and now France in preparation for what's ahead in Burundi. We pray the medical students were encouraged to continue seeking God's direction as they pursue this challenging but joy-filled path of medical missions.

And the advantage to presenting from France with only audio feed: no need to dress up!
McCropder docs presenting live
If you'd like to hear our presentation, click here to download it from the CMDA website (the Sept 16, 2012 entry - our intro begins at approximately minute 7 after the announcements and after technical difficulties, John starts talking at about minute 15:30).

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