
School Report: All Kids Doing Well

We are immensely grateful to be able to report that the first few days of French school have gone very well!  God has answered prayers.  Today all of the McCropder children entered their classrooms happily - hooray!

A few details about our French schools in Albertville:

- Classes run 4 days per week:  Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
- All of our schools have class from 8:30 to 11:30am and from 1:30 to 4:30pm.  Everyone goes home for a 2-hour lunch break each day.  We like the schedule. 

- Micah, Maggie, and Abi do not divulge many details about their school activities, perhaps mostly because they don't understand whatever is going on around them in French.  We think that they do some playing, make some art projects, and probably observe other educational activities in French.  We know that when they return to school after lunch, they have nap time (which unfortunately results in Micah staying awake until 10pm). 

- Elementary school kids seem to pick up vocabulary and pronunciation quite quickly.  Anna has already corrected my pronunciation and giggled at my non-French attempts at the French "r" sound.

 - Elise came home from school today and reported that she "falled in love."  This is actually the second time in two weeks here that she has fallen in love!

I would like to attach pictures, but the internet is too slow here recently.  We hope the internet trouble will be resolved soon. 

Thank you so much for continuing to pray for these children.


  1. So glad for the good transition for the kids. That is an answer to prayer indeed!

    We're getting glowing reports from Calvin as well, as Heather and Jason would expect.

    MTB starts up this Thursday. The McCropder women will be greatly missed. We have a plan for how to be sending notes to you, so stay tuned. (Don't expect any until next week, though. This week is mainly a brief intro.)

    Love to you all from A2!

  2. Dear McCropder,

    I just sent an email to my "french" friends asking if they knew of any good connections in Albertville on behalf of you guys. To my surprise, one of my dear friends I grew up with in Paris, Favre Cécile, just told me that you guys attend the language school she works at! What are the "coincidences"? I hope you will be able to connect with Cecile :)
    Blessings as you learn French and transition to life in Albertville! Love the posts and so encouraging to me!
