
The Finals of the State Race

(by Rachel McLaughlin)

As our year in the States winds to a close, there are many things that we will all miss.  The constant travelling is probably not one of those things.  You might recall a post on the great State Race of the McCropders.  By December, most of us had traveled to at least 10 different states.  Well, thought you might be interested to get the final count.  Drum roll please....

(the blue line is the State total by December, pink is the current total; Cropseys have since revised their total to 24, but we weren't able to redo the graph)

So technically, the McLaughlins are the winners, but one might also argue we are the losers since we are all bleary eyed from all those miles. :)  What we really need to do is add up everyone's odometers and frequent flier miles.  Here is the impressive picture.  Below is a map of all the states covered by at least one McCropder.  Note that all that is missing are South Dakota, Wyoming, Arkansas, RI, and Hawaii.

Also, not to minimize the Cropseys' time.  They might have only hit up 20 states (only), but did squeeze in nine countries and Puerto Rico.  Combined with the Faders' Canada and Alyssa's Peru, and I think everyone would agree that we are well  traveled this year.  Next up is a map of our European travels in 2012-2013...

1 comment:

  1. you all are amazing! i love reading your updates and can't wait to run into you in the middle of burundi someday! we are headed back to usa tomorrow after nearly 1 month split between 2 provinces. bittersweet to leave, knowing that the ministry momentum will decline before we are able to return again. we admire you so much and pray that you will thrive in language school & in your final destination in burundi!
