
School Book Selection

(from Heather)

Another check mark on the Burundi preparations to-do list. Order Homeschool Materials. Check.

We are so thankful that Sarah has joined the McCropder team to be the teacher for the seven children on the team. We love the fact that Sarah is both qualified and eager to start up a great one-room schoolhouse when we get to Burundi. Next we needed to collaborate and choose a curriculum for this unique little school.

First we gathered recommendations from a few families who have successfully homeschooled some fabulous young people. We really appreciate the advice, expertise, and hand-me-down supplies from these experienced families.

In May, Sarah, Jessica, and I attended a largely-inspiring-and-somewhat-overwhelming conference all about homeschooling. Between sessions, we perused an exhibit hall full of curriculum options, and we discussed our research findings. The blurry picture captures the way that my head was swimming with all the different theories and series of educational materials.
We summarize the conference this way: There are a LOT of great options out there in the homeschooling world of books and resources.

Taking into account many factors of our team's situation, we arrived at the choice of a Sonlight Curriculum for core subjects like language arts and science. Sonlight is a literature-rich schooling design which is flexible to meet the educational needs of the McCropder team kids and teacher. Driving home from the conference, Jess and I drew up this concise temporary curriculum plan for the next few years

Then we split up the remaining non-core subjects, including math, art, music, and PE. We researched, conferred, and selected. Dozens of emails later, school books and supplies have been chosen and ordered for all seven kids on the team for the first few years in Burundi.

We look forward to really starting school when we get to Kibuye. Next year in France, the kids go to French schools, with supplementary curriculum at home as well (Five in a Row books for Anna, for example).

One thing we still need is a name for our one-room schoolhouse in Burundi. Any ideas? Please let us know with a comment if you have a suggestion.


  1. Our one-room (now three-room) school in Japan has used Sonlight for years. Love it!

  2. Yay Sonlight!!! We used Sonlight too! And I loved it a lot! Sooo many wonderful books!

  3. How about McCropder Gurukul? This is a word from Sanskrit and seems to fit your situation perfectly -- home schooling and a religious environment. This wikipedia entry has more details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gurukul

  4. Aha! I was going to post a "We love Sonlight!" comment and my daughter beat me to it :-)

  5. Heather, I'm so so so so so proud of you! I know that was a huge task and I'm so thankful you completed it in time. I am thrilled beyond belief about Sarah and her perfect addition to your team. So thankful our nieces will have such a great education in Kibuye. HOpe we can come visit sometime.
    Love Bethany

  6. So glad that there are so many fine Home School curriculums available now. our choice was very limited, but two of our 3 girls now homeschool their kids, so guess it was okay~

    our school at Muyebe in Burundi was Muyebe Hilltop School~

  7. I have been swimming through curriculum choices for just my own 2 students, and I can completely identify with that "fuzzy head syndrome" that you documented. It is exciting and overwhelming all at the same time. I'll be praying for all of you and your kids--first through the time in French school and then breaking out on your own!
