

You might have noticed the blog hasn't been updated quite as much this past month or two.  This is due in large part to the fact that we McCropders are now spread out over four time zones, evidence of our increasingly mobile lifestyle.  We skyped last week and teammates were in California, Colorado, Alabama, Minnesota, and Michigan.  Yikes!  With all this travel and transition in mind, please keep us in your prayers.  Specifically...

Safe travels for all McCropders, travelling from sea to shining sea
The Faders, as they pack up their house and move out next week
The Cropseys, as they attend SPLICE/PILAT (special missions training classes) in Colorado and all five family members share one room
Sarah, as she also attends SPLICE and PILAT
The McLaughlins, as Eric begins a tropical medicine training course in Baltimore next week
Alyssa, as she attends her sister's upcoming wedding and enjoys family fellowship
Carlan, as he finishes his last two weeks of ER residency with a lot of night shifts
Wisdom for all McCropders as we work to plan and pack our stuff to ship to Burundi
For our families as the long period of transition continues, and stability for our children
The goodbyes that we are already beginning to say

And thanksgiving, that God HAS provided and will CONTINUE to provide everything we need.  He is good.  Thank you for your prayers.


  1. Our prayers have definitely been with you this year. It has been so much fun to follow your "furlow" time. As you transition into this new God given role, we continue to pray for all of you and your families. Thanks for the update. Linda S.

  2. The Maras are praying for you!
