
Another McCropder!

By Jessica Cropsey

Two and a half months ago we heard about a teacher who was looking for a long-term placement with a team.  She initially heard about the McCropders through Jason Fader's mom and another Post-Resident physician at Kijabe Hospital in Kenya.  She got in touch with our team and after several phone conversations, a skype meeting, face-to-face meetings with various McCropder team members, and a site visit to Burundi, she has decided to join us!  It is my privilege to introduce you to our newest team member...

Sarah Crockett grew up in the Chicago area and graduated from Bethel College in Indiana with a degree in elementary education.  She completed her student teaching at Rift Valley Academy (RVA) in Kenya and stayed on for three more years after that.  We are super excited about having Sarah join us to take the lead in educating our children (7 under the age of 8...for now).

Here's a portion of her reflections after her site visit to Burundi in April:
One of my prayers as I visited Burundi and in particular Kibuye, was that God would give me a passion and vision for the medical training & care that the McCropder team will be delivering. Being non-medical it was important to me to gain a greater sense of how I fit into the vision of the McCropder team. Through the tour of Kibuye Hope Hospital and conversations with medical students and on site missionaries I saw the great need for the McCropders giftings as a team and the desire of Burundians to openly welcome the McCropder team. I found my heart excited to better understand the medical world and support the McCropder doctors. I am always amazed at the gift God gives in relationships and this was abundantly true as I visited with a few HAU students. Hearing their stories and dreams for future ministry as doctors offering healing and hope to people in great need gripped my heart.

We are so thankful for the way that God orchestrated this addition to our team.  Before we had much interaction with Sarah, she wrote in her application that she loved ultimate frisbee and Settlers of Catan.  Little did she know that would seal the deal!

Sarah is committing to our team on a long-term basis, so she will be joining us in Albertville, France for language school.  Everything has happened incredibly quickly, so please keep Sarah in your prayers as she plans and prepares for things that the rest of us have been thinking about and planning for a long time (French visa, packing the container, school supplies, curriculum choices, etc.).    


In case you haven't noticed, her last name fits perfectly.  We, the Cropseys, are happy to share our "CRO" with her!  Of course, we would have warmly welcomed her anyways, but for now the McCropder name lives on.  

P.S.  Due to the number of children on our team, we are still hoping to recruit another teacher, so keep your ears peeled and spread the word!  Someone who could commit for 1-2 years would still be most welcome.  


  1. Another match made in heaven. So glad all around. Our teachers are still some of our best friends ever.

  2. How about a grandma who likes to read to all ages :) ?

  3. We love Sarah!! We go to church with her; God is so good to bring you all together.
