
McCropder Prayer Requests

Dear Friends, 

Many of you pray for us regularly and for that we are deeply grateful.  Below is a list of prayer requests that can help guide your times of prayer over the coming months as we prepare to head back overseas.  


1.  The Gospel to remain central in our daily lives, our message and our work in these busy days of travel, chaotic schedules, constant family transitions and intermittent medical practice.

2.  That God will use us to bless and challenge our American brothers and sisters as we share with them about WHM’s new work in Burundi and the Gospel’s calling on their lives.

3.  The support teams that will be caring for us through prayer, financial support and encouragement over the coming years of service.  Pray that they will have wisdom and spiritual gifting to help keep us vibrant in ministry and accountable to our calling.  We all hope to depart for language school in Albertville, France, at the end of August 2012.

4.  John and Jessica Cropsey as they lead the Burundi team.  Since 2007, the team has functioned by consensus without a stated team leader.  Pray that John and Jessica will help the team transition well to this new dynamic of team life.  The team is very grateful for the many years of shared community and deep trust that God has established among them already.

5.  Hope Africa University and its Rector, Bishop Elie Buconyori.  He is a vital leader.  Pray for his physical and spiritual protection.  Enrollment at the university is exploding (100 students in 2003, now approaching 5,000 in 2012), so pray that they will have wisdom in weighing quality vs quantity. 

6.  The needed infrastructure at Kibuye Hope Hospital to be put in place soon (on site well, significantly increased power supply, septic/sewer) as Hope Africa University prepares for our arrival in the summer of 2013.  Pray that the needed team of engineers for these key projects will be assembled soon to help the hospital create a strategic 10-year development plan.

7.  Our language (French and Kirundi) and cultural acquisition skills to flourish so that we can communicate effectively and become a part of our community in Burundi.  We will all be participating in Mission Training Intl’s programs in Colorado throughout the coming months before departure.

8.  Team unity and a common vision for preaching, teaching and healing.  Pray that we will have healthy conflict void of gossip and malice.   Pray that the team will have wisdom in knowing how fast to grow and that we will be able to make future team members a welcomed part of our established community.

9.  That God will use the Burundi team to bring compassionate, Christ centered medical care to the war-torn Great Lakes Region of Africa and to empower a generation of Christian, African physicians to do the same.

10.  World Harvest Mission as they trust God to provide for their significant financial needs for the fiscal year ending in May, 2012.

Grace and Peace,
John Cropsey for the McCropders

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a challenge for us. We will continue to pray. Thanks for the specifics. May God give you, John and Jessica, wisdom from above as you lead. Linda S.
