
World Harvest East Africa

Just before we came home to the States, Alyssa and the McLaughlins got a chance to attend the World Harvest Mission's first (but hopefully not last) East Africa retreat.  This was very gracious of them, since we weren't technically WHM missionaries yet.  It was a fun 4 day retreat in Mombasa where we had a chance to meet different missionaries working in Kenya, Uganda, and South Sudan.  WHM is not a big mission, so the group size was small enough that we got to meet everyone.  A great group of quality people, one we are proud and excited to be a part of.  Here 's a photo of our group (everyone except Rachel and Ben, actually, since he was napping at the time).

And if you're interested, here are some blogs that these folks are writing.  Good stuff there.  We'll most likely include them in our blog roll in days to come.  Just in case you need more blogs to read. :)

Scott and Jennifer Myhre (field leaders, 2 docs working at Kijabe in Kenya)
Travis and Amy Johnson (Uganda, FP doc and his family)
Bethany Ferguson (South Sudan)
Scott Will (South Sudan)
Michael and Karen Masso (South Sudan)
Jessica Ankney (FP doc in Uganda)
Anna Linhart (Uganda)

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