
Introducing the Newest McCropder

We (the Cropseys) were excited to be heading to the University of Michigan hospital at 2:00AM last Thursday.  Cropsey #3 had given us a few false alarms the week before, but it now appeared his arrival was imminent.  John was scheduled to speak at the Prescription for Renewal Conference in Asheville, NC later that evening along with the other McCropders.  His flight was booked for 1:50PM in the afternoon.  Since this was a third baby for Jess, surely we thought he would arrive relatively quickly and John could still catch his flight in time for the conference.  Well, things don't always go as expected!  By late morning, it became apparent that this baby wasn't coming anytime soon due to his poor head positioning, so John canceled his trip.  The munchkin finally arrived at 3:28PM, October 13th, weighing 7 lbs, 15 oz and measuring 20 inches long.  After prolonged negotiations, nearly requiring arbitration, a name was decided just in time for discharge:  Samuel Isaiah Cropsey.  

Elise & Micah were super excited to greet their new little brother.  Elise definitely has natural mothering abilities, but Micah will need some continued coaching about what it means to "be gentle" with Baby Sam.    

It's been a harder transition than expected...thus the long delay in getting this blog up.  We're pretty tired, but very thankful for all the support that we have.  Our parents have been awesome.  Many thanks to the Mc__ders and others who covered John's conference slots at the last minute.  We'd appreciate your prayers for our family as we continue to adjust.  We're looking forward to introducing our newest member to many of you soon!


  1. Samuel is a beautiful baby!! Thanks for sharing the photos. I am excited for you all and look forward to meeting the new little McCropder. Glad Ben has a buddy.
    Love and prayers,
    Jean Selle

  2. Congratulations! Samuel sure seems to be a state of bliss.

  3. Congratulations, John and Jess! Your son is wonderful!!! May God bless you ALL during this time of transition and growth. ((Hugs))

    Love, the Quinns
