
Kwaheri, Kenya!

On Tuesday, we (the Cropsey family) drove away from Tenwek Hospital.  It was a day of many tough goodbyes.  On Wednesday night, we board the plane that will reunite us with our families after almost two years.  Please pray for our travel.  As you may recall, we had a memorable trip coming to Kenya.  We’d prefer not to relive some of those memories!  These are our specific requests:

*Timely flights and good connections with no lost luggage.  (First, we fly to Zurich with a short, one-hour layover.  Next, we take a quick flight to Frankfurt and have a 5-hour layover.  Finally, we head to Detroit, arriving around 5:00PM on Thursday.)
*Good rest (especially on the first flight) and an extra measure of patience for each other. 
*Smooth transition to life in the United States and quick recovery from “jet lag”.

Thank you for your prayers for our family over the last two years.  We look forward to seeing many of you soon!  


  1. John,
    Praying for you guys as you travel home. We love you and can't wait to see you soon!

  2. God Bless you and your families for what you are doing to serve others.

    Mike Kolacz
