
Knox Girls

We are all very excited at the arrival yesterday of Janet and Grace Chen and Abby Paternoster, good friends from our home church in Michigan. Janet is staying a week, and Grace and Abby will be with us for 4 weeks, helping out in a variety of ways. We're glad to have them part of our lives for this time, and we love the encouragement they bring from all our friends at Knox.

The girls are keeping a blog of their own, so if you've always wanted to view our lives here through the lens of a couple of high school senior girls, then you're in luck. You can check out "Hands and Feet" here.

1 comment:

  1. "if you've always wanted to view our lives here through the lens of a couple of high school senior girls..."

    The McCropders demonstrate their Steve Jobs-like ability to give you what you didn't know you wanted, but now can't imagine your life without:)
