
July in Review

On this last day of July, I am filled with thanksgiving, as we are so happy to be hosting several visitors. It is such a gift to have friends who have come to Tenwek to help with various projects. The Knox Girls are truly wonderful servants, helping with whatever needs to be done… which often involves helping with the McCropder Small Children. You can read their thoughtful reflections on their Kenyan experiences here. We are also thrilled to be spending two fun weeks with some friends of the Faders' from Wisconsin, and tomorrow we happily welcome Jason’s cousin from New Hampshire.

Our guests have been enthusiastic about meeting our friends...
and meeting Kenyan wildlife (this is Abby receiving a big welcome kiss from a giraffe in Nairobi)...
and helping with our kids...
and helping at orphanages and at the hospital. Here are Kim and Abby feeding newborn triplets in the Tenwek nursery.
We love to process their observations with our guests as they take in both beauty and sorrow (often mixed together) in many of their experiences here. They observe that the hospital can seem filled with healing and hope, even in the midst of disease and grief. The orphanages are heart-breaking, while at the same time the orphaned children themselves are inexpressibly precious. You could pray for our visitors (and for us) as we see and touch many manifestations of poverty, hope, health care, brokenness, suffering, and joy.
It is truly a joy for us to share our lives here in Kenya with our visitors from home!

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