
Baby Abraham at Our House

Baby "Abraham" is a tiny orphan who lives at an orphanage in another town. This week he spent a few days at Tenwek hospital on oxygen for bronchiolitis. Thankfully, he has recovered well, and now he is a healthy-looking 7-pound sweetheart. I know that because he’s currently sleeping at our house. We are just keeping him until tomorrow, when someone can come to pick him up and take him back to the orphanage. We will be sad to see him go back.
Interestingly, for the last few months, Anna has been asking and praying for a baby. A baby boy. In our house. Several friends and relatives have adopted or birthed new babies recently, and Anna thought it should be our turn, too. I explained that we really want to adopt again someday but that we can’t right now (the process in Kenya requires several years, so we were not here long enough to adopt from Kenya). She still desperately wanted a baby boy here and now.

Her discontentment offered a good opportunity to discuss a few important lessons. So we talked about being content in all circumstances. We talked about believing that God’s plan is best, even when we don’t understand his timing. We talked about why we believe God wants us to adopt babies, and how it will be worth the wait.

Evidently the other lesson, one that I overlooked, was about praying with the faith a child. Anna asked God to bring a baby boy to our house, and she (unlike her mother) fully believed that He could and would do it. And He did.

You could pray for baby Abraham. Thank God for healing his lungs, and pray for his health and protection. And please pray for a family to adopt him. Let’s pray with the faith of six-year-olds.

“But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.” James 1:6


  1. precious story and good reminder indeed. :) Mariah Uttz

  2. I love this! I love you, Faders, and your precious daughter Anna. May we learn from her faith. May we pray for this little soul Abraham as well as the future of the Fader family. :) Amy

  3. Tears well up in my eyes as I see little Abraham with little Abi. What a full circle! May we all seek to have the faith of a 6 year old! God bless you guys! Linda S.

  4. Heather, why do you always make me cry when you post things? Baby Abraham is precious and I can imagine he tugged at your heart strings. But also what a wonderful opportunity to teach Anna and remind yourselves of those truths (and struggle) of being content in all circumstances and waiting on the Lord for Him to give you the desire of your heart. Praying for a new nephew someday...

  5. what a beautiful picture of God answering prayers...maybe not as we thought, but always as is perfect

  6. I love this post! thank you for sharing. What great reminders from both you and Anna for me:)
