
Updated "Media that Informs Us"

A long while ago, at the very inception of this blog, we put together a list of "Media That Informs Us", and put a link on the left sidebar. The link remained, even as the list became more and more outdated. We have updated it now, and added links to a few reviews we have done. When we feel a need to share another review, we'll add the link to the list.

P.S. We're always open to suggestions.

A short list of books and movies that at least some of us found enlightening, inspiring, or at least thought-provoking:

No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, by Alexander McCall Smith
What is the What? by Dave Eggers
A Distant Grief, by F. Kefa Sempangi
Strength in What Remains, by Tracy Kidder
Africa Friends and Money Matters, by David Maranz

Eternity in Their Hearts, by Don Richardson
Peace Child, by Don Richardson
Let the Nations Be Glad, by John Piper
Don't Waste your Life, by John Piper
Miracle at Tenwek, by Gregg Lewis
Surprised by Hope, by N.T. Wright
Generous Justice, by Tim Keller

The End of Poverty, by Jeffery Sachs
Mountains Beyond Mountains, by Tracy Kidder
The White Man's Burden, by William Easterly
Guns, Germs, and Steel, by Jared Diamond
When Helping Hurts, by Brian Fikkert and Steve Corbett

The Wycliffe Cookbook
The More With Less Cookbook
Wit, by Margaret Edson
The Hiding Place, by Corrie ten Boom
Music by Ladysmith Black Mambazo, especially Paul Simon's "Graceland"
Article: "As an atheist, I truly believe Africa needs God" by Matthew Parris The Times, click here

The Mission
Invisible Children
The Devil Came on Horseback
Amazing Grace
Blood Diamond
War Dance
The Ghost and the Darkness
The Constant Gardener
Hotel Rwanda
The Lion King (we'd be lying to say it didn't inform us)

Recommended but Minimal Relevancy to Africa:
Toto's "Africa"
The Gods Must Be Crazy (I and II)
David Wilcox's "Johnny's Camaro"
The Tawny, Scrawny Lion, by Tengreen
The awesome action sequence in Madagascar at the beginning of "Casino Royale"

1 comment:

  1. So glad to see Johny's Camaro on here. Essential. I know we're going to be kindred spirits by the about 95% overlap in our reading lists. Have spent the last two months in Surprised by Hope. And just rewatched Blood Diamond last night which is the best picture of the Gospel in film, ever. Amazing even the fourth or fifth time. May I add Red Strangers, by Eslpeth Huxley, which describes the colonists from the African's (fictional) perspective? Jennifer
