
Missing the Littlest People

As we live in a different culture, often our hearts are gripped by the big things in life. Other times, it’s the littler things, like missing the littlest people.

Last week my sister gave birth to her first baby, our first niece, Lydia. She’s beautiful. Eric and Rachel also have a brand new nephew born to Eric’s sister, and John and Jess have a new nephew born to Jessica’s brother. Also within the last year, Eric’s older sister and Alyssa’s younger sister both had new baby girls. And Jason’s sister is expecting a new baby by adoption anytime now as well. That makes six new McCropder nephews and nieces who will likely double in size before we get to meet them.

How is it possible that we miss these little nephews and nieces so much when we have not even met them yet?

We keep reminding ourselves:

A. Our absence really matters not one bit to the babies themselves.

B. Email, skype, and digital photos allow us to admire their sweet little features from afar.

C. Someday we can provide our nieces and nephews with a cool place to send their elementary school Flat Stanley projects.

D. We can definitely pray for these babies now, even from 10,000 miles away.

Lydia, Liam, Christopher, Sierra, Emma, Unborn Baby Niece, and all our older nephews and nieces, may the Lord bless you and keep you. We love you.


  1. I agree, missing the littlest people is often the hardest part about being away. They DO double in size in our absence!
    Good to remember though that we are providing them with the most exotic Flat Stanley destinations. So that's good...

  2. I think I mentioned that finding out about my very first niece by fax which came to a post office 3 hours away, and found me days later, was a low point that God later redeemed by miraculously bringing me INTO THE DELIVERY ROOM for 2 of the next 3. Pray that you see that redemption too. And Congrats, this one is a real cutie! Love, Jennifer

  3. That was sweet of you guys, thanks.
    Sierra's Mommy (aka Eric's older sister :)

  4. Jenny Van Ryn ThebaultApril 18, 2011 at 8:27 PM

    Leaving family to serve the Lord is painful :( Texas isn't nearly as far away, but many times it feels like we might as well be in Africa! But I praise God that he has revealed truth to us... that we KNOW we have given all we have for the only real treasure. Jesus is worth it all! He is the pearl!
