
Prayer Requests

We know that it can often be difficult to pray for someone if you don't have regular interactions with them and know what their life is like.  So, we wanted to give you some specific things to pray for us over the next few weeks and months.  Thank you to those of you who pray for us faithfully already.  We know that your prayers have sustained us in ways that we don't even realize.

  • Unity in vision, decision-making, relationships with each other
  • Clear guidance about which French language school to attend (we are hoping to decide on this soon so that we can register our large group early)
  • Remaining time at Tenwek - that we would continue to serve with enthusiasm and dedication
  • Good transition to life back in the USA for a year; quality time with family & friends
  • Scheduled speaking engagements (Global Missions Health Conference in Louisville, Prescription for Renewal Conference in Asheville, & others) - that God would speak through us
  • Financial provision for the year back in the USA (part-time jobs/moonlighting opportunities)
  • Clear guidance about which McCropder should be chosen as team leader in Burundi
  • Humility & perseverance in the support-raising process; God's provision to raise funds in a timely manner
  • World Harvest Mission board meeting scheduled April 3-5 at which they will decide whether to open Burundi as a new field
Thank you so much for your prayers.  We are hoping to post new requests every week or two.

Philippians 2:1,2 "If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose."

Psalm 90:17 "May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us -- yes, establish the work of our hands."

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for listing specific things for us to pray about. We think of your team often, and knowing these needs will help us to remember to pray accordingly!

    --Hannah and Hank Willis
