
COTW: Kipruto McLaughlin

(For Rachel's perspective, click here)

I was not on call last night. For that matter, neither was Rachel, Alyssa, or the Popps.

Nevertheless, at approximately 1:30 a.m., a phone call was made in regardless to a multiparous mother at term with an otherwise (thankfully) uneventful pregnancy. She was in labor.

And so, Rachel and I walked (slowly) up the big hill in the high altitude, pausing in the dark (the pitch dark, as the power was out) for her to breath through contractions. We were met there by the Popps, who had graciously offered to come in for the delivery, and Alyssa, who was there to receive the baby. The timing was perfect. We opened up one of the operating theaters for maximal privacy, and within 30 minutes, our baby boy was born.

Benjamin Kenneth Kipruto McLaughlin was born at 8lb and 5oz, and was totally healthy, as was Rachel. His first middle name, Kenneth, is after Rachel's dad, and his second middle name, Kipruto, is the Kipsigis name for a boy born while traveling.

As soon as he was born, a notable burden lifted, making me realize that there were unclaimed fears about the unknowns of delivering here. But God has been faithful to us, and we rejoice in the goodness and grace that he has shown us.

We stayed at the hospital until 5:30 a.m., and then walked home (still in the dark), carrying our bundle with us. Special thanks also to the Faders, for watching the Popps' kids, and to the Cropseys, for watching over Maggie. Maggie is (at present) quite enamored with "Baby Ben", and we are hoping that it will continue.

The morning after, all the other McCropders kids came in to meet this addition to their ever-expanding ranks.


  1. Congratulations!!! Thankful to God for healthy and what seems like an uneventful delivery! Benjamin is precious and Maggie is so cute with him.

  2. Oh my goodness Rachel! You look amazing already :) Congratulations you guys! Ben is so stinkin' cute. Can't wait to see him in person.

  3. Woo Hoo! Hurrah and congratulations! Wong are rejoicing with you. (and will have no trouble remembering his excellent name :-)

  4. congratulations! I am so thankful the labor and delivery went as hoped. What a blessing. Love you guys and your new family member!

  5. You're making me tear up. Congratulations, McLaughins!

  6. Congratulations and I'm glad you experienced God's faithfulness and presence in the delivery.

  7. Praise God! Thanks for sharing the story and what a great name(s)!

  8. Congratulations! Now you get to call him Kipruto until teenage circumcision!

  9. Congratulations to your precious family! That's quite a birth story! Rachel, you're amazing! Hugs to big sis Maggie, too. Blessings and joy from the Pfisters

  10. What a darling little guy! Congratulations.

    Sarah L

  11. Congratulations! The newest little bundle of blessing is so precious! I am so glad that things went so well! God bless!

  12. Congratulations from the Myhres and World Harvest Mission!!
    We look forward to meeting Baby Ben sometime soon!
    P.S. - as I understand the new Kenya Constitution allows Ben to claim Kenyan citizenship at some point in his life if he so desires. We've got two that intend to do same!

  13. From the Online Free Dictionary...

    COTW Clip of The Week
    COTW Committee of the Whole
    COTW Call of the Wild
    COTW Castle of the Winds
    COTW Composer of the Week
    COTW Club of the Waves
    COTW Citizens of the World
    COTW Cousins of the Wize
    COTW Call of The Warlords
    COTW Cheerleader of the Week
    COTW Conflict Other Than War
    COTW Cars on the Web
    COTW Creature of the Week
    COTW Church on the Web
    COTW Camp of the Woods
    COTW Courage of the Wolves
    COTW Courts of the World

    I vote for Eric as Cheerleader of the Week!

  14. congratulations!! what a great blessing to have such an uneventful delivery! (being a doc, it is unnerving to know too much beforehand!)

  15. Praise God! Welcome to this new little blessing--he has an amazing family and community! We are so thankful that everything went well and Baby Ben has arrived.

  16. Congratulations! We are so happy for you! Yay, Micah will have a boy to play with:)
