
The McCropders Turn 3

November 2007 marked the official decision to pursue working as a community of families, after years of pondering and joking about it. Thus, we have crossed the 3-year mark, and thought we would post some photos to commemorate it.

At the 2007 Louisville conference, with Elise missing.

June 2008: Ann Arbor on a kidless afternoon.

May 2009: Maggie arrives, and Abi is expected.

September 2009: Right before Cropseys left for Kenya

December 2009: The final McCropders arrive in Kenya

July 2010: Visiting with the Lynns

November 2010: A few nights ago after a big soup dinner with the Popps.


  1. I'd love to hear more about the "pondering and joking" and everything else that led up to your decision to work as a team. Had each of you already decided to head to the mission field? How did it all come about for each person/couple?

  2. You are all so blessed to have found a group of people who share values and ambitions. I'm sure there have been trials, but you seem to be a great family group. You are in my prayers. Rachel, you are amazing...
    Love, Hilary

  3. I just love love love your blog! It's so good to see what life is life for y'all! Keep up the good work! And make sure you lavish the Faders with lots of hugs!
    - Bethany Fader
