
Favorite Pastimes of Our Little MKs

In the absence of playgrounds, libraries, and trips to the mall, our little munchkins have to find other ways to entertain themselves.  Yesterday was an exciting day (especially for Micah).  In the morning, we watched a tractor plow the field next to our house.  Right before lunch, the kids played in the wheat that was purchased to grind into flour.  It made a great sandbox!  In the afternoon, we all stared as the older missionary kids (MKs) decided how to rescue an injured baby bird.  Just after this, we were treated to a visit from another tractor which pulled right in front of our building to pick up some piles of brush and leaves. 

Fortunately, the weather here is nearly perfect (mid-70s to 80s most of the day with short periods of rain every now and then) which allows for lots of outdoor fun.  The top ten favorite activities include:

1)  Getting a ride in the wagon that was generously loaned to the McCropders by the Roberts family.

2)  Climbing one of the trees outside our building.

3)  Swinging on the swing.

4)  Walking down the sidewalk to admire the 3 tortoises in the Bemm's yard.  This tortoise might need to see an ophthalmologist after Micah's done with him!

5)  Running around in the Kipagenga, which is basically a large oval with a cement floor and aluminum roof that is used as a basketball court and gathering place.  Kipagenga means "coming together" in Kipsigis.

6)  Any water-related activity.

7)  Playing dress-up.  Thanks Grandma Cropsey and Aunt Star for the dresses!

8)  Drawing with sidewalk chalk.

9)  Climbing up to the tree house (under adult supervision, of course).

10)  Playing in the freshly mown grass (which leads to tremendously itchy skin if not washed immediately after).

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