
Visit from the Lynns

This week we are happily hosting the Lynns as they visit from Knox, our church in Ann Arbor. We have enjoyed showing Pastor Bob and Ilene the sights and experiences of Tenwek - from the local butchery to the operating rooms. A few highlights from the first three days of their visit here:

- Pastor Bob and Ilene jumped right into John’s operating room on Day 2 of their visit.
- They arrived here with Jessica’s sister, Abby, pictured below on the hospital tour.
- Their suitcases came loaded with various care packages from friends and treasured items from the USA, including chocolate chips, decaf coffee, and treats for the kids like books, clothes, and new shoes (pictured below, thanks friends!).

- The last two evenings have been full of great discussions (including lots of laughter) as we explore location options for the McCropders for after our two years here at Tenwek.

We look forward to another week with the Lynns, and we are thankful for such support from our home church in Michigan.


  1. What an adventure, Bob and Ilene! Sounds like a nice visit. LOVE the pictures, as always!

  2. I am glad the Lynns got to visit you!!! :)

  3. Hi Pastor Bob & Ilene!!! Boohoo - you are there and I'm NOT. : (

  4. The kids are getting big so fast! Nice to see the big smiles. Looks like it was a wonderful visit. Maia and Steve

  5. Great to see everyone on the blog. Blessings.
