
Sundays with Chuck

While we've enjoyed our McCropder and Tenwek communities very much, we also really miss our Knox church community from Ann Arbor. The church has been a great support to us here so far, in terms of prayer, encouragement, and finances, and Missions Pastor Bob Lynn is coming out for a pastoral visit end of June. In an effort to remain more connected to the church, every Sunday night the McCropders gather together for sermon night. We download the most recent sermons off of the Knox website, play some worship tunes, and enjoy hot beverages and sometimes baked goods. Here we are, gathered together in the Cropseys' living room with another Knox "alum," Carlan Wendler (who visited in February).Although we enjoy the church services here at Bethesda AGC, a church on the hospital property, and its sermons by a wonderful Kenyan pastor named Elijah Bii, it's really nice to hear sermons from home, too. Pastor Chuck has always been a great teacher. We went through his sermon series on Joy, and now we're listening to his current series (albeit a few weeks behind) on John. Well, I actually just checked the website and he's been done with John for a month, but at least we're close. :) For those of us moms who have small children that are either distracted the whole service or need to leave to take naps in the middle of the service, it's important to our spiritual growth to get these Sunday night teachings. Also, for those of us doctors who are on call during the weekends and can't make it to church, usually we can make it for 45 min on Sunday nights when things at the hospital have quieted down.
All this to say, we miss you, Knox!

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