
COTW: Ranula

"Wow, have we got an interesting case for you!" It is not every day that a resident will greet me this way (but maybe most days). Being a referral hospital for close to 1 million people, we tend to get quite a few interesting patients. This patient came to us at the age of 2 days. Her mother was concerned about her large tongue. Rightly so.

Having never encountered something like this before, I scoured the ENT textbooks that we have here and then e-mailed pictures to an ENT surgeon in the States. He gave me a detailed description of how to remove this ranula and soon thereafter, a few residents and I removed it with great care. Not surprisingly, the baby's mouth stayed in an open position for a week or so, since her jaw had been fixed in that position for most of her in-utero life. A few weeks later, however, she looked great when we saw her in clinic.


  1. Jason and Heather, I was just talking to someone the other day about you guys. Glad that you are doing well and helping aspiring young physicians to make it happen.:) It is encouraging to hear your stories as I often chomp at the bit to finish residency. Don't know if you have had the chance to work with Mike Chupp yet. He is a friend of the family, worked with my Dad at SWMC for a number of years. Take care and you are in my prayers.

  2. Strong work Dr. Fader! Another interesting case. I can't wait to come visit you guys some time and see your whole new life. Sounds like you're doing pretty well though.

  3. I never cease to be amazed (and thoroughly grossed out) by the cases of the week!! Incredible!! We pray regularly for all the McCropders and for supernatural clinical judgment and skill as you handle so many difficult, complicated cases. God bless!

    Amy Brink

  4. Wow, that is the biggest ranula I've ever seen. If I remember correctly there is a chance of recurrence... but probably never that big again. That's one for the textbooks!

  5. I second what Amy Brink said. :)

  6. I continue to pray for you, Jason. Wow! I am glad that God continues to use you to bless others through your skilled hands!!!
