
Icelandic Ash Comes to Kenya

We're not sure how this is affecting most of our US friends and readers, but this bizarre story (yes, it is quite bizarre for a volcano in Iceland to close air traffic all across continental Europe) is probably affecting life in Kenya more than you might think. There are 2 primary ways:

1. There are few ways to get to Kenya from outside the continent of Africa, without going through Europe, most notably Dubai, and I think there are direct flights to Accra, Ghana, and Johannesburg, South Africa, from which one could then get to Kenya. Nevertheless, almost everyone coming to or going from Tenwek goes through Europe, most frequently London or Amsterdam. Thus, since the Icelandic blast, several of our visitors have been stuck in Kenya, unable to leave. And some have cancelled their trips to Tenwek, if they were of a relatively short duration, and the delay makes them less worthwhile.

Also, this just happens to be the week when family members from both the Faders and Cropseys come to Tenwek. That's right, via Europe. Not great timing, but we're praying that these much-anticipated reunions will go forward as planned.

2. Every day plane traffic to Europe is closed, Kenya loses up to $2 million dollars from a single export: Flowers. Who knew? According to the BBC, flowers are the top export earner for Kenya (I thought it was tea). And the time delay in the reopening of airports means that the quality of the blooms is diminished, and thus this is money lost for good.

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