

In the past 24 hours, we've had to say "goodbye" to two very dear couples -- John's parents and the Roberts family (fellow ophthalmologist).  It was wonderful to have a week with John's parents and the kids had some great time with Grandma & Pops.  The Roberts are headed back to the States for a year-long furlough after 4 years of service at Tenwek.  They were the first to welcome us in Kenya and have since been tremendous mentors, both spiritually and professionally.  Their daily encouragement and company will be greatly missed!

These goodbyes were difficult for obvious reasons, but mostly because we were the ones being "left behind" this time.  I have come to the conclusion that being apart from family is probably going to be my biggest challenge here at Tenwek.  It makes me very grateful for the community we have here, both with the McCropders and the other missionaries.  Please pray for all of us as we adjust to the realities of being apart from family and friends for such an extended period of time.

Fortunately, all the McCropders have some "hellos" to look forward to in the next few months.  If you're interested in seeing a beautiful part of Africa and enjoying a real safari, let us know.  We'd love to add you to our "hello" list!


  1. sniff sniff! I wish the travel time to get there wasn't so long so I could come visit! With two little kids, I couldn't be away long, but since it is so far away, I'd only actually be able to be there a few days after subtracting the travel. We miss you guys lots!
    Love, Amy

  2. I wish we we could be on your "hello" list. Praying for you all!
