
The New Baby Boom

We've started a Monday morning playgroup with some of the missionary kids around here--one of the amazing things is that there are five kids within a five month age range of each other (9 months, Maggie, to 14 months, Abi). Included in this photo is Clara Hedges, whose parents are spending a year here doing OB and surgery, and Liam Banks, whose dad is an FP international health fellow, here for five months.

Looking at this photo, you can: a) pick Abi Fader's head out of a crowd, and b) see who the camera ham is. Looking sharp, Mags!


  1. Good times! They're a lucky little bunch!

  2. We posted this picture on our blog as well! We look forward to watching these kids grow together. The Banks

  3. Sure wish Ames and Essie could be there to play with little Abi, too!!! What a great looking bunch of blessings!

  4. Hi all...love the picture of all the little ones who get together on Mondays for play time. We have had 16 inches of snow here in fredericksburg, VA this weekend. So much for Virginia being listed as a southern state! Praise God for the life of Baby K.

  5. I really enjoyed reading about the trip to Sudan. Keep up the good work you guys. Your bro josh
